Vegetable production and cooperative marketing in the Elfrida-McNeal area, Cochise County, Arizona
Published in 1979
Farmers in Cochise County are experimenting with high-value fresh market vegetable crops. Like other farmers in Arizona, they are pumping their irrigation water from increasing depths and thus are incurring higher variable costs. The objective of this study is to determine whether a partial substitution of vegetables for field crops can increase net farm income to the farmers of the Elfrida-McNeal area. To meet this objective, variable and fixed costs as well as gross and net revenues are calculated for a 200-acre representative farm. The marketing component of variable costs for vegetables is studied in detail. Two alternative farm plans for the representative farm are compared, one with traditional field crops and one with a field crop and vegetable mix. Given the assumptions made here, the study concludes that a farm plan with greater emphasis on vegetable production can increase net farm income to Elfrida-McNeal farmers. In addition, the study finds that the farmers' current cooperative marketing arrangement appears to be a viable option for local farmers. With good management, strict quality control, and adequate operating capital, ElfridaMcNeal farmers can expect to expand vegetable production and increase their net farm income.