Two Essays on Perceived Climate Change and Adaptation of Rural Livelihoods

For my thesis, I am going to present two essays on perceived climate change and livelihood adaptation. Using a survey data on 3,300 representative rural households from each drought as well as flood-prone regions of India, we examine the links between the households’ livelihood adaption choices and perceived climate change. The livelihoods adaptation choices are jointly modeled as the multivariate probit regression, estimated by the simulated likelihoods procedure of Cappellari and Jenkins (2003). We find that households who chose one adaptation strategy were more likely to choose another one. The adaptation choices of the households are strongly determined by their perceived climate change and the results are robust to multicollinearity among the measures of the perceptions of climate change. Among the control variables, access to information on onset of monsoon and amount of rainfall influences adaption choices.


Kishore, Siddharth

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