Danielle Buhrow receives two NACADA academic advising recognitions

Jan. 25, 2020

Excellence in Advising - Primary Role - Certificate of Merit

After winning the campus-wide University of Arizona Excellence in Advising - Primary Role for the 2019-2020 academic year, Danielle went on to compete at the next level which is the NACADA Rocky Mountain Region 10 Excellence in Advising - Primary Role awards and was selected as the recipient for the Region 10 Certificate of Merit.  Regional winners next compete at the NACADA Global level, Danielle went on to win again the Outstanding Advising Award - Primary Advising Role - Certificate of Merit for the 2019-2020 award year.  The Global NACADA level includes more than 10,000 members across the United States, Puerto Rico and 30 international countries.  During this time of COVID-19 both the regional and global conferences in-person activities were cancelled.  The global conference will continue in a virtual setting where 2019-2020 awardees will be officially recognized in October 2020.

From Danielle:

It is an incredible honor to be recognized for my continued service to students, staff, academic advisor peers and the University's administration for each of the three levels of nominations, the UArizona award and NACADA's regional and global certificates of merit.  Being nominated truly was heartwarming, as was reading the thoughtful sentiments from support documentation from students, peers and supervisors.  The recognition at each level is an amazing experience, though receiving the love and support from those I serve definitely means more to me than any award or recognition can bring.  I am grateful to have this privlege to serve UArizona students and campus members and I will continue to grow professionally so that I may best serve students now and in the future.  I thank my home department faculty, staff and my award nominators Juliana Lincoln and Gary Thompson for their support and recognition and especially the students that contibuted to my nomination pakets, Brisha Quijada, Chad Idensohn and Olin Marman.

With a grateful heart,
