Estimating wastewater demand by agricultural producers

The demand for wastewater effluent by Avra Valley and the Cortaro-Marana Irrigation District was evaluated. This was accomplished by the use of linear programming techniques. Evaluating the potential demand for wastewater effluent is important to the development of a water market in the Tucson Active Management Area. In Avra Valley there was no quantity of wastewater effluent demanded because of high conveyance costs. The Cortaro-Marana Irrigation District the annual quantity of wastewater effluent demanded was 11,385 acre-feet based on wastewater effluent supply of 18,600 acre-feet. The quantity of wastewater effluent demanded could have been greater had the quantity supplied been sufficient for all months. Relaxing the supply constraint for wastewater effluent the potential demand was 24,776 acre-feet. The nutrient constraints had the greatest influence on the demand for wastewater effluent. Relaxing the supply and nutrient constraints in favor of the blending ratios the quantity of wastewater effluent demanded was 34,480 acre-feet per year.


Goldammer, Teddy J

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