An analysis of pump water costs in central Arizona

Published in 1966

Irrigation water is the limiting factor in Central Arizona’s agricultural production. A substantial portion of the water used for irrigation is drawn from underground reservoirs. As a result of continual increases in pumping lift, changing technology and fluctuations in the various components of cost, farmers are faced with an ever changing pattern of pumping costs. Reliable, current pumpwater cost data are needed by farmers to make decisions that will yield maximum profit. Agriculturally oriented businesses and public agencies also need full and reliable information to be most effective. The purpose of this study is to provide this information. Physical inventory, performance and operational information, and various cost data were obtained for farmer and irrigation district owned irrigation wells. Total cost was computed for all components contributing to the cost of pumping water. Factors which affect costs involved were examined with a view to determining where savings might be realized. Information is provided which will allow farmers to estimate pumping costs peculiar to their own pumping situation. Data are also provided which will facilitate estimation of future pumping costs.


Lamoreaux, Robert David

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